Some cabin owners with little ones have a hard time keeping them entertained for two or three days at a time. Sure fishing, swimming and hiking are popular things to do for kids, but sometimes you need a break from the kids, and for that, they need something familiar to do that they enjoy and reminds them of home, even at the cabin.
There is a cabin improvement that is inexpensive, quick, easy and will provide hours of relaxation for you and fun for the kids. They can be found at any big box lumberyard store and can be assembled in hours. No permits are required and maintenance is minimal.
The perfect solution I am talking about is a play area like this one.
Mama and Papa bear decided they needed one, so they hired a reputable contractor in the area to build the new play area for their kids. It was a huge hit! The kids love it and are on it all the time. The sent us these pictures and a thank you note for the idea. They were concerned about the safety of their kids being that it was constructed on the back lot of their cabin and kind of in the middle of the woods. We told them one thing they might want to think about now is a barrier or fence of some sort, around the play area so the kids are safe and to keep the cabin goers where they belong.