So maybe you cannot jump in the lake. There are still many exciting and exhilarating things to do at the cabin. Here are four fun winter activities that will allow you to enjoy the woods and the lakes and help you stay fit this winter.
This activity has long been a family favorite in northwestern Wisconsin and anywhere there is snow for years! Fortunately in northwestern Wisconsin, there is a groomer that packs the snow in a nice aisle through the woods. Seeing the woods through the trails will give you a unique perspective. What better way to spend a winter day than cruising through the woods. From mid December to mid March, you may operate your snowmobile on state-funded winter trails when a 4-inch groomed snow base is present and trails have been officially opened. Snowmobile trails are marked with orange blazers. Please refer to Trails and Licensing for maps and regulations.
Go to Trail Updates for current conditions and to sign up for email or text notifications. Get updates here: https://www.burnettcountywi.gov/139/Snowmobile-Trails. Over 300 miles of trails winding through wooded and open areas provide ample snowmobiling opportunities in Burnett County. This trail system connects to all surrounding counties, including Pine County, Minnesota.
Ice fishing
There is something calming about ice fishing on the lake. Whether you are roughing it out in the cold sitting on a bucket or inside a warm fish shack, ice fishing can be as relaxing as it is exciting.
Here is a link to find the best lakes in northwestern Wisconsin https:////northwestwisconsin.com/best-lakes-for-ice-fishing-in-northwest-wisconsin . For the more competitive fishing enthusiast you might be interested in this upcoming tournament. https://www.burnettcountysentinel.com/calendar/ice-fishing-contest/event_7b7dd982-3d45-11ea-b210-ef1f3ae8eac6.html.
What better way to see the beautiful woods and get exercise than to go snow shoeing straight through the forest. Snowshoeing not only helps you maintain your fitness through the winter, but can often even improve it. The sport is accessible, has a relatively short learning curve and doesn’t require a big investment in equipment, unlike other winter activities like skiing. You would not want to get lost in the woods in the cold of winter, so you might want to bring a compass or GPS device just to be safe.
Ice Yachting-or Ice Sailing

Ice boating on Birch Island Lake near Voyager Village.
Ice yachting (commonly called Ice Boating) is a sailing sport, where sail boats on skates sail on frozen lakes and rivers. What enthusiasts love is that this sport is high-speed exhilaration surrounded by nature. You can expect speeds up to and exhilarating 90 MPH (average speed of about 30 MPH). Ice Yachting originated on the Hudson River in the United States and really expanded in Detroit MI. The sport is very popular in the United States and Canada, and to some extent in the Netherlands and Finland. Only catch is you need to know how to sail.
For racing, A typical ice yachting course is about 15 to 20 miles long with several turns. The most common boats carry 1 to 2 people. in the upper levels of the sport, (much larger than ice boats) can have a crew of six or seven members. Most courses are triangular marked with bouys in a configuration where each side is a mile long, and at least two directions are windward.
Interestingly, most competitions are conducted on the inland lakes in the Midwest. This includes the Great Lakes, where several clubs compete. Ice boating is a favorite pass time for Scott, GM of Tice Construction. You can catch him and his son on one of the local lakes gliding across the ice on their sailboat.
Beat the winter blahs with these four fun winter activities this winter! Get out and enjoy the beautiful winter season at the cabin and make memories for years to come!