This is the season to be thinking about your next cabin make over . Love your screen porch at the cabin? Who wouldn’t? All the comforts of indoor living while being outdoors, hear the birds and squirrels, the waves washing against the shoreline and the sound and feel of the breeze. Screen porches are a favorite place to be when living the cabin life.

Screen porch fireplaces are a hot new trend in cabin amenities. People love them because they provide a beautiful ambience in the evening as well as extra warmth. Our clients say that they find they use their screen porches much more often after installing a fireplace.
There are many things to consider when contemplating this improvement, gas, wood, stone facing, mantel and hearth style to name a few. Zero clearance fireplaces can be the most economical (wood framed chimney chase sided with siding or stone). Real masonry fireplaces with real stone are a bigger investment but sometimes preferred if you like the crackle and smell of burning wood. Gas is often preferred because of lower cost, and many owners want to avoid the hassle and mess of stocking firewood and the critters that set up camp in it.
To get some ideas check out the pictures here or google “screen porch fireplaces” or “outdoor fireplaces” They are a great cabin makeover idea and relatively inexpensive improvement with big bang for the buck. Fireplaces can be added to your existing screen porch or designed into your new screen porch. Enjoy!
For more information and or a free consultation, shoot us an email or give us a call.